
impermeabilização The Efai Serviços, aims to become a reference in the application of waterproofing products, leveraging and maximizing this sector which is dedicated exclusively offering its customers products and high value-added services, valued by a team young, dynamic and specialized betting on quality and customer satisfaction.


The Efai Serviços, is addressed to clients whose needs may be merely point to large customers, given the logistical capacity to always contribute positively to the work in concrete, with services performed in accordance with the quality standards in force and we cherish within our group.


Ensuring commitment and responsibility, we seek to establish transparent and lasting relationships with our customers by providing support through differentiated service and set meeting the needs of each case.


We look forward interestedly your contact.

isolamento acústico The soundproofing is not the passage of sound from one room to another through the use of dense and heavy materials that have the ability to absorb and dissipate sound energy. The sound energy is mechanical energy, ie, can be intercetada and be modified by intervention of solid materials trajectory.
The effectiveness of sound insulation can also be obtained through the combination of materials of different natures, it hinders the propagation of sound waves, aiding in effective soundproofing.

isolamento térmico The thermal insulation material or is a process that prevents or reduces energy losses in the form of heat. The thermal insulation refers to the use of insulating materials
Thermal as glass fiber, hollow tile or foam plastic finishes in a building to reduce heat loss through the ceiling and walls.The air existing in the spaces between the fibers of the clothing acts as a thermal insulator, preventing the heat loss.The heat transfer coefficient is a measure of the ease with which it conducts heat. Thus, one chosen for thermal insulating material must have a low coefficient.